Every so often someone takes me for funny and then I get to be near TV people. I’ve met famous people along the way, just to look in their eyes I want to see it. I want to see if TV people got it, they don’t got it. They are talking about anxiety and depression their AA groups and how therapy helps them. How they make amends and sponsor people. What?! Ye guys were supposed to be the answer, this is a goddam Ponzi scheme. What was I thinking this is a complete mirage, you never arrive. I’ve been had and then some.
You see or read interviews from singers and actors and god forbid comedians talking about how they get sad too, they struggle with depression but people think because they are famous they wouldn’t be depressed well.. yea. That was the deal, that’s the game you’re in on, there is a reason every image presented by celebrities tries to put them in the best light(in every sense) the whole gambit is to create the illusion of perfection and if you keep paying attention to them you might someday too arrive at the Shangri La. A god isn’t supposed to be talking about imposter syndrome about nobody will believe I can throw Lightning.
Read one article or watch one interview of a young, beautiful, rich, celebrity and see how generally uncomfortable they are. What does this tell you? Really sit in that question honestly what does that tell you? To quote Dave Chappelle, “We must never forget Anthony Bourdain killed himself, this ******* flew around the world eating delicious food with outstanding people, that guy with that job hung himself in a luxury suite in Paris”
Really from a place of presence, silence and honesty ask yourself why that is? Try to see the deep truth here, you will never find what you a truly searching for out there, money, fame, even good friends, good family and interesting work. All these this are coming and going like all things. It will be the quality of your mind and attention that will be with you always.
Just look around and see people today saying, explicitly or implicitly, if only I had this or did this then I would be happy. Then notice how they’ve said that before about other things they have no gotten or done and have moved the goal posts.
So ask yourself from a place of calm and ease, has getting what I wanted ever given me lasting happiness?