Why I called my meditation classes Boundless Mindfulness

Apart from feeling it has a good ring to it, Boundless Mindfulness does capture the essence of how I will tend to be teaching meditation.

To paraphrase the late great Thich Nhat Hanh, the purpose of life is to cut through the illusion of separation in other words life actually is boundless.
Boundless is not a word to get all excited about. But to recognize that where you are repeating these words in your head, the feeling of excitement around the word boundless and the phone you are reading this on, all these things are happening in the same place. They are all happening in the only place they can happen……. Here, now.

And,,, if your thoughts, your feelings, your chair, your hands are all in one place why would you ever think you can actually lose anything or be alone and who would be the person that could lost anything or be alone, where are they?

So if you can be mindful of the fact that in each moment everything, everywhere is all happening at once in you without a boundary. This is boundlessmindfulness. Also due to the aforementioned catchiness.

At times I will write about things that might not seem directly connected to meditation but to me meditation is just awareness so there are very few things that are not connected, basically only quasars and black holes.